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acid research

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Accessible Interactions

A partnership between the Endeavour Foundation and ACID. Accessible Interactions involved the research and development of digital technology solutions to address key needs identified by the Endeavour Foundation: to support and enrich the lives of its clients with an intellectual disability, and their carers. The project produced new knowledge of the possibilities of social technologies to encourage engagement and participatory relationships for Endeavour clients, carers, families and the Endeavour organisation across Queensland.

Project Leader

Dr Stephen Viller

ACID Vision project thumbnail

ACID Vision

The ACID Vision project developed improved methods for automatically reconstructing 3D digital models from multiple digital photos. As well as working as a stand alone application the project created the 3Dsee web service for automatically turning digital photos of an object or structure into a 3D model. The project was commercialised by QUT.

Project Leader

Dr David McKinnon

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ACID Press

ACID Press focused on the use of new tools for rich media annotation to support the research, peer review and publication of rich media works. The ACID Press environment provided for the annotation of multiple media types, in multiple media formats.

Research Leader

Prof Andrew Brown

Beyond: 30 Seconds project thumbnail

Beyond: 30

Beyond: 30, a collaborative research project of the Interactive Television Research Institute at Murdoch University, the project sponsors and ACID, explored new models of television advertising and the psychology of interactive audiences. Beyond: 30 uncovered numerous insights of significance to the advertising and media industries, and the research outputs were adopted by several multinational organisations.

Research Leader

Prof Andrew Brown

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Cipher Cities

Cipher Cities explored location-based games as a medium for community building, and user creation and distribution of content. Cipher Cities was commercialised by a third-party end user.

Project Leader

Deb Polson

Communities & Places project thumbnail

Communities & Places

Communities & Places investigated how to develop and deploy combinations of mobile and fixed technologies to support new forms of community and sustained community use. The project undertook an integrated approach to community exploration and technology exploration using participatory design methods to ensure that appropriate technologies were identified to meet community needs and aspirations.

Research Manager

Prof Andrew Brown

Connected Communities project thumbnail

Connected Communities

Connected Communities examined the role of integrated devices and services within the context of integrating ICT deployment with community development strategies to form a unique definition of "smart community."

Research Manager

Prof Andrew Brown

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Creative Collaboration

Creative Collaboration investigated the use of broadband technology in commercial and public spaces by providing tools, methods and demonstrations targeted at making distributed interactive experiences. The project investigated the design of flexible technical systems that enable information designers and others to construct and integrate sensor (contact, image analysis, infra red beam etc) and visualization environments in order to make interactive information, learning and art systems.

Research Manager

Prof Andrew Brown

Creative Communities project thumbnail

Creative Communities

Creative Communities explored new strategies and adaptive technologies for stimulating people's creativity and for enhancing social interaction around creative tasks, to arrive at a better understand of the emergent and fluid nature of creativity and social activities, and how the design and use of digital technologies influences these activities.

Research Manager

Prof Andrew Brown

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Digital Songlines

ACID, in close consultation with Australian indigenous communities, developed protocols, methodologies and toolkits to facilitate the effective capture, management and delivery of indigenous cultural knowledge through a virtual reality environment. Digital Songlines provided an immersive and interactive experience that communicates indigenous heritage in an entertaining, exciting and creative way. It was taken up by a third-party end user.

Research Manager

Prof Andrew Brown

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Dynamic Content

The Dynamic Content project investigated how best to create dynamic content elements and tools, how people interact with these, and how dynamic content technologies can improve content quality and decrease development times. The project developed methods, processes and tools that enable the creation of dynamically varying content for digital media. Specific domains of activity included dynamic music, behavioural animation, procedural textures, and interqactive structure and navigation. The developed technologies employed algorithmic processes informed by the fields of arts theory and practice, studies in cognition, artificial life and artificial intelligence.

Research Manager

Prof Andrew Brown

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Human Dimension Methodologies

Human Dimension Methodologies HDM project investigated the range of research methods that were employed in the emerging field of interaction design. It then developed a component-based consulting methodology for use both internally by ACID and with external contexts. This methodology focused on the specific characteristics of research projects and product innovations in the space of cultural, community-orientated and collaborative technologies.

Research Manager

Prof Andrew Brown

Interactive Lounge project thumbnail

Interactive Lounge

Interactive Lounge developed and explored a range of approaches to facilitating more engaging interaction between between viewers and digital content. Prototypes of a range of interface devices were built, evaluated and integrated with new navigation interfaces and interactive content formats.

Research Manager

Prof Andrew Brown

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Location Aware Real Estate

Together with the advancement in GPS and Wireless technology, location-aware mobile devices were becoming a reality. In this project we developed a location aware real estate information system with mobile devices which could be used to assist real estate sales agents or clients in locating a property and accessing information on the property. With the help of a VRML viewer on the mobile device, users could view the 3D design of the property. This enhanced the user’s understanding and feel of the property and help users to make a more informed purchasing decision.

Research Manager

Prof Andrew Brown

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Loupe explored the visualisation of electronic spaces such as blogs, wikis, email lists, forums, etc that are used for Knowledge Management. It sought new ways to view and manipulate large amounts of information so that relationships, trends and tacit social networks can be seen and used to create and retain knowledge. | More...

Project Leader

David Gilbert

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MILK (Mobile Learning Kit)

MiLK extended the Cipher Cities game engine to take teaching and learning opportunities out of the classroom and into any environment, and gives teachers the ability to design everyday learning activities using mobile phones and the Internet. MiLK has been commercially licenced.

Project Leader

Deb Polson

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Network Jamming

Network Jamming allows people to play music and do video remixing together over the internet. The project explored ways to enhance learning and community by designing interactive creative activities based on collaborative and generative digital technologies. The project developed new generative media software that can be controlled over the internet and uses these to increase access to real-time creative interaction for novice users such as children and people with disabilities. It is being commercialised by a third party end user. | More...

Project Leader

Dr Steven Dillon

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Our Content

Our Content focused on the 'intelligent' organization of rich media data through semantic and aesthetic data analysis and the production of generative content based on the similarities/dissimilarities of diverse material.

Research Manager

Prof Andrew Brown

Physical Interfaces Infrastructure project thumbnail

Physical Interfaces Infrastructure

This project developed an interaction infrastructure (modular, distributed, embedded and physical) of software components which could be tailored for a range of interface challenges. These tools facilitated improved interaction between users and technology, development of new (physical, gestural, haptic, multimodal) interfaces and new application domains such as libraries, healthcare and disabled users. The innovative aspect of this approach was to create a networked infrastructure of interaction modules, rather than devices, combined with a multimodal approach to interaction, in particular incorporating the tactual modalities such as haptic interaction, force feedback, vibro-tactile displays.

Project Leader

A/Prof Bert Bongers

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Pool is a social media project developed by ABC Radio National as a place to share creative work with the Pool community and ABC producers - upload music, photos, videos, documentaries, interviews, animations and more. It’s a collaborative space where audiences become makers. | More...

Project Leader

Marius Foley

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Protospace's research focused on the use of user-generated content environments in the development of rich-media production, particularly for advertising and television contexts. This project explored how advances in usability, consumer engagement and production models can improve creative production.

Project Manager

A/Prof Laurene Vaughan

Recensio project thumbnail


The Recensio project explored online tools that enable people to collaborate and reach consensus in domains that rely heavily on digital media assets, such as video, illustrations and music. Recensio allows people to collaborate remotely on projects and the web-based system enables mobile workers to access data and contribute through a variety of web browser systems. It is being commercialised by a third party end user. | More...

Project Leader

A/Prof Michael Docherty

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Scribblr was created as a web-based system that mediates conversations through the annotation of images. Scribblr fills a gap within current communication systems such as email and other forms of hypertext. The tool was developed with the creative market in mind: architects, graphic designers, etc. Scribblr's scope is far reaching because any image anywhere in the world can be loaded and commented on. If you can see it, you can scribble on it.

Project Manager

Jeremy Yuille

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Sense Mix

The Sense Mix project investigated the design and development of applications for creation and sharing of audio visual content on mobile phones. It explored the conceptual basis and design process involved in user generated content and developed a number of the demonstration applications for Nokia series 60 phone in the mid 2000s. It developed and utilised augmented reality middleware to implement a camera-tracking gestural user interface to these demonstrator applications.

Research Manager

Prof Andrew Brown

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Suburban Communities

Suburban Communities was an interdisciplinary project exploring ICT trends and developing tools to enhance interactivity in homes, neighbourhoods and residential communities.

Research Manager

Prof Andrew Brown

Urban Interfaces project thumbnail

Urban Interfaces

Urban Interfaces explored the connections between place and knowledge that create meaning and sense of the world, focusing on appropriation (adoption and adaptation), embodiment and user-authored content. | More...

Project Leader

Professor Margot Brereton

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Virtual Communities

Virtual Communities researched the way distributed organisations translate ideas into action and how they handle collaboration. The project examined creative and strategic connections, principles, and 'how to' models as a foundation for exploring tools and techniques that assist collaboration.

Research Manager

Prof Andrew Brown

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